Rapid expansion goals paired with limited resources have become a trending predicament in B2B small businesses across the nation. Small business owners, who lack both resources and time, must cultivate a strategy which brings in sales while garnering new leads. With these limitations in mind, opportunity must be recognized in situations that breed both reasonable action and straightforward communication. In this regard, business owners must utilize established relationships to create opportunity. The true catalyst of small business growth lies in people: taking advantage of internal team members, established relationships, and client engagement.
For instance, B2B companies have a rolodex of suppliers, vendors, and satisfied customers. Are you continually developing these relationships? Through the use of blogs, website updates, etc., these people can keep a tap on your pulse, but how often are you checking theirs? Reaching out to a stellar client, say, by emailing them an industry-related article, your thoughts and observations, and how their organization could benefit is an invaluable tactic. In today